Jackson's Grant on Williams Creek
Home Construction Continues

With 30 homes under construction it’s a great time to drive ( or walk ) through to find your perfect lot or home.

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Entry Signage Installed


Trails and Bridges

Streets, walking trails and bridges are in and you can begin to see the serenity and grace this exclusive development offers, and now is a great time to drive ( or walk ) through to find your perfect lot or home. Please use caution, however, much is still under construction.




Nature’s Friend

This is a perfect time to visit Jackson’s Grant and see first-hand the thoughtful planning that has gone into this community. Artificially created retention ponds, and all of the chemical treatments they demand, have been replaced with beautiful “rain gardens” to gently manage the watershed. Rain and snow runoff is naturally guided through these rain gardens placed strategically throughout the community. These rain gardens, are landscaped with beautiful flowers and shrubs native to central Indiana regaion and selected specifically to create healthy ecosystems.


Jackson’s Grant Gazette Issue 2

Phase one open for sale, 30 homes under construction.

Keep up with our progress, news and events by reading the Jackson’s Grant Gazette Issue 2.

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The images and information contained herein are for illustration purposes only and may not be reflective of the final development, which in the sole discretion of Jackson’s Grant Real Estate Company, LLC may change, reduce, relocate, reconfigure or eliminate any of the lots, common areas, open spaces or features shown on graphics or detailed in any description contained herein.

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